Lipedema My Story

Understanding C15 Deficiency: The Essential Fatty Acid You’ve Never Heard Of

Should You Eliminate Dairy? Understanding the Potential Consequences and Benefits

Many people are often confused about whether they should eliminate dairy from their diets. There is a lot of conflicting information out there, and it can be challenging to make the right choice for your health.

We are told that dairy is inflammatory. Is it really the dairy, or is it all the additives that can be found in our modern dairy products? Or could it just be the type of dairy we are eating? Pasture-raised/Grassfed vs. conventional?

One important aspect to consider is the presence of an essential fatty acid known as C15:0, or pentadecanoic acid, which is found in dairy products and has numerous health benefits. This article aims to shed light on the potential consequences of eliminating dairy and the role of C15:0 in maintaining good health.

My Personal Journey with Dairy Elimination

Eighteen years ago, I decided to remove dairy from my diet because I was told it was inflammatory. I had been drinking skim milk and eating low-fat dairy products. Initially, I felt better, especially my digestive system. Over time, I realized that the improvement wasn’t due to eliminating dairy itself. The real issue was the various additives commonly found in dairy products, such as potato starch, modified food starch, dextrose, guar gum, xanthan gum, carrageenan, cellulose, sweeteners, colorings, preservatives, flavors, and added vitamins. That’s a lot of garbage added to food and any or all of those things could be triggering inflammation.

During the sixteen years I avoided dairy, I noticed my body seemed to age rapidly, despite my healthier lifestyle. While high oxalate foods in my diet played a part, especially with chronic pain, I now believe that a significant factor was a deficiency in C15:0. This fatty acid, abundant in pasture-raised full-fat dairy and high-altitude animal products, has numerous health benefits that I was missing out on.

After I removed dairy and adopted a plant-based diet, my Lipedema spread and progressed, I developed arthritis in my hip, lipomas spread through my body, I had chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and more, further complicating my health journey. I didn’t understand why; I was doing EVERYTHING right.

After switching to a Carnivore diet, with mostly animal-based foods, I feel like I’ve rolled back the clock at least 10 years and resolved a long list of health problems. I regained my mobility and can do things with my family again. Now I eat mostly meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and cream. I found I do best, sticking with harder cheeses, while softer cheeses like cream cheese, are more of a problem for me. I buy cream, butter, some cheeses, and ground beef from pasture-raised cows.

For my kids, I make sure they drink whole milk from pasture-raised cows. In the 1990s, the US removed whole milk and 2% milk from schools, switching to 1% and skim milk. This was a big mistake; we now have generations of kids growing up without C15 in their diet. They did this in attempt to reduce obesity, but obesity has only gotten worse. Clearly it’s not the whole milk causing obesity.

What is C15:0 (Pentadecanoic Acid)?

C15:0 is an odd-chain saturated fatty acid (OCFA) primarily found in dairy fat and certain fish. It has recently been highlighted for its potential health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and metabolic effects.

Health Benefits of C15:0

  • Anti-inflammatory Properties: Research suggests that C15:0 can reduce inflammation, which is a key factor in chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
  • Metabolic Health: C15:0 may help regulate lipid metabolism and improve insulin sensitivity, supporting overall metabolic health.
  • Cellular Health: This fatty acid stabilizes cell membranes, protecting cells from damage and improving their resilience.
  • Neuroprotective Effects: Emerging evidence indicates that C15:0 may have protective effects on the brain, potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Sources of C15:0

  • Dairy Products: Butter, whole milk, and cheese are rich in pentadecanoic acid. Notably, pasture-raised dairy products contain higher levels of C15:0, especially from animals grazing at high altitudes. A notable example is Pecorino Sardo, a traditional Sardinian cheese made from sheep’s milk, known for its high C15:0 content. Sardinia, Italy, boasts the highest number of centenarians, and this cheese is a staple in their diet.
  • Fish: Certain types of fish, particularly fatty fish, contain significant amounts of C15:0.
  • Meat: Some meats, especially those with higher fat content and from pasture-raised animals, are good sources of C15:0. Animals grazing at high altitudes tend to have higher levels of this fatty acid.

Addressing C15 Deficiency

  • Dietary Changes: Increase your intake of C15:0-rich foods such as full-fat dairy products and fatty fish, focusing on pasture-raised and high-altitude sources when possible.
  • Supplements: Consider supplements that provide pentadecanoic acid, especially if dietary sources are insufficient.
  • Balanced Diet: Maintain a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients to support overall health and potentially improve C15:0 levels.

Potential Signs of C15 Deficiency

  • Inflammation-related symptoms (e.g., joint pain, chronic fatigue)
  • Metabolic issues (e.g., insulin resistance, weight gain)
  • Cognitive decline (e.g., memory problems, reduced mental clarity)
  • Rapid Aging: Accelerated physical signs of aging, such as wrinkles, reduced skin elasticity, and overall decreased vitality.

The Dolphin Study: An Insight into C15:0 Deficiency

A fascinating study involving dolphins has shed light on the importance of C15:0. Researchers found that dolphins in warming ocean regions exhibited signs of C15:0 deficiency due to decreased fat content in their fish diet. This deficiency was linked to metabolic and inflammatory issues in the dolphins, underscoring the critical role of C15:0 in maintaining health.

Key Studies on C15:0

  • Pentadecanoic Acid and Inflammation: A study published in Nature demonstrated that pentadecanoic acid could reduce inflammation markers in human cells, suggesting potential therapeutic benefits for inflammatory diseases.
  • C15:0 and Metabolic Health: Research in the Journal of Lipid Research indicated that C15:0 supplementation improved lipid profiles and insulin sensitivity in animal models, pointing to its benefits for metabolic health.
  • Neuroprotective Effects of C15:0: A study in Frontiers in Neuroscience highlighted the neuroprotective properties of C15:0, showing that it could reduce neuronal damage in models of neurodegenerative diseases.

The Role of Dairy in Oxalate Management

In addition to its C15:0 content, dairy plays a significant role in managing oxalate levels in the body. Calcium in dairy products can bind to oxalates in the gut, forming insoluble calcium oxalate, which is then excreted in the stool rather than being absorbed into the bloodstream. This can help reduce the risk of oxalate-related issues, such as kidney stones and other complications associated with high oxalate levels. Trust me, you do not want oxalate poisoning. If you eliminate dairy and switch to almond milk, like I did, you will put yourself at high risk for oxalate poisoning.


While the decision to eliminate dairy from your diet is a personal one and can depend on individual health conditions and sensitivities, it is important to consider the potential consequences of such a decision. Dairy products, especially those from pasture-raised sources, provide essential nutrients like C15:0 that play a critical role in reducing inflammation, supporting metabolic health, and protecting cellular and brain function. They also help in managing oxalate levels, preventing the absorption of harmful oxalates into the body.

If you are considering removing dairy for weight loss, you may want to eliminate dairy with higher carbs first and see if that makes an impact. For example, milk has more carbs than cream. Again find products with NO additives.

If you suffer from chronic inflammation, there are many other foods that could be the cause. Before eliminating dairy, you may want to try switching all your dairy products to those from pasture-raised cows with no additives. You may need to find a new grocery store or check your local farmers markets. If you are still considering eliminating dairy, ensure that you find alternative sources of C15:0 or consider supplements to prevent deficiency and its associated health risks. Understanding your body and making informed decisions about your diet can help you maintain optimal health and well-being.

NEXT: Unhealthy Keto vs Healthy Keto? – Coming Soon

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