Lipedema My Story

My Lipedema Story – 12 Month Carnivore Transformation

It’s been a year since I transitioned to the Carnivore diet, and I’ve lost 28 pounds! While I’ve stayed committed to it, I did revert to Keto during the holidays. However, this time, I was mindful of oxalates, and unlike the previous year, I didn’t experience any weight gain. It’s been quite a hectic period for me, leaving little time for myself.

Disrupted Sleep

The last quarter began on a rough note. I introduced a new mineral supplement that initially seemed promising. However, after a week, it led to poor sleep, daily headaches, and back pain. I was unaware of the cause, and I discontinued my daily walks due to the fatigue. Looking for answers, I mistakenly attributed the symptoms to a lack of carbohydrates. It took me a month to realize the supplement was the culprit! Upon stopping it, I found relief.

Diagnosed SPS

Following my first routine colonoscopy, I received alarming news. My colon was entirely filled with polyps, a consequence of Serrated Polyposis Syndrome (SPS), a genetic precursor to colon cancer. Surprisingly, the doctor recommended avoiding red meat, unaware of my Carnivore diet.

During the consultation, I asked my doctor, “how old are the polyps?” He said, “about 7 years.” Reflecting on my diet seven years ago, predominantly plant-based with nightshades, high oxalate foods, and a lot of stress. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was linked to my diagnosis. I wasn’t eating red meat. I had brain fog, memory problems, poor sleep, anxiety, and chronic pain – everywhere. Could it all be connected? I showed my doctor my arm full of lumps, that all developed 7 years ago. In 2019, I had polyps removed from my uterus, so I could get pregnant. I shared my journey with the doctor, highlighting the transformative effects of the Carnivore diet in alleviating numerous health issues. He later agreed that red meat, wasn’t likely the cause and to continue my diet.

He’s stated that if the polyps continue to grow, I could be looking at colon cancer in 2-3 years. Going forward, I am faced with a significant decision. My diagnosis of hundreds of polyps presents two primary options: undergoing monthly colonoscopies or opting for the removal of my colon altogether. After careful consideration, I have chosen the route of monthly colonoscopies to address the polyps rather than opting for colon removal. My healthcare provider estimates that the process of removing the polyps through colonoscopies will span approximately two years. However, should additional polyps develop before the completion of their removal, the possibility of requiring a colon removal surgery becomes a consideration.

After undergoing repeated colonoscopies, I’ve experienced a significant increase in abdominal swelling, to the extent that I appear pregnant. My younger daughter has innocently remarked to others about the “baby” in my tummy and even pats it. This swelling typically occurs during the prep phase, after using Miralax. Subsequently, I notice a flattening, only to have the swelling return a couple days later. Additionally, I’ve observed the reemergence of some of my old oxalate-related reactions, such as gout, following Miralax consumption. It appears that Miralax may exacerbate oxalate-related issues.

According to a lawsuit, MiraLAX, an over-the-counter laxative contains ethylene glycol, which is known to cause oxalate nephropathy. Oxalate nephropathy is an acute kidney injury that can require continued dialysis treatment and potentially a kidney transplant. Oxalate nephropathy is a serious illness, and can cause renal failure, which occurs when one’s kidneys fail to properly filter waste from the blood. Renal failure is also associated with bodily swelling, loss of calcium, anemia, bone health, and increased risk of heart disease.

Moving forward, I’ve requested prep instructions excluding Miralax and instead utilizing magnesium citrate. I hope that eliminating Miralax will alleviate the problem. I guess I have plenty of time to experiment.

The swelling persists for weeks until I visit my Osteopathic Manual Therapist. Upon her treatment, focusing on the tissue around my hip replacement and in my groin, I experience a noticeable change. The gurgling sensation begins, and my abdomen gradually flattens, before I leave her office. It feels as though it involves lymph fluid, as the sensation does not seem solely digestive; however, it may be a combination of lymphatic and digestive issues.

Does Red Meat Cause Colon Cancer?

Determined to understand the link between meat and colon cancer, I delved into research and found intriguing insights from Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Anthony Chaffee. Contrary to popular belief, the evidence linking meat to colon cancer isn’t definitive, especially when considering dietary patterns beyond the Carnivore diet. We cannot blame meat for what sugar, carbs and seed oils are doing. Given my amazing health improvements on the Carnivore diet, I remain steadfast in my dietary choices.

Trouble at Home

Adding to the chaos, our basement flooded due to sink and dishwasher leaks, revealing mold in our kitchen and basement. The renovation has disrupted our routines, affecting my access to lymphatic pump and exercise equipment. Mold sensitivity compounded the challenge, causing discomfort and sleep disturbances. While awaiting insurance funds for reconstruction, we’ve endured weeks of loud remediation efforts.

My Lipedema Update

Despite the upheaval, I haven’t experienced weight gain, a testament to the resilience of the Carnivore diet. While eating keto during the holidays, I accidentally consumed sugar, and it drove up my carb and sugar cravings. While I did not give in and eat more carbs or more sugar, I did eat more keto foods, and my weight increased a few pounds. This confirms that cheats, purposely or not, every once in a while, are not worth it. Once I went back to the Carnivore diet, the extra weight went away.

If I compare myself to an average person, that weight loss may seem low, considering the extra weight I carry, due to Lipedema. The diagnosis of Lipedema has shifted my perspective on weight loss, relieving me of self-blame and highlighting the role of Carnivore diet in managing fluid retention and strengthening my body. I may not have lost a lot of additional weight this last quarter, but I am building muscle, and my Lipedema areas have greatly improved. Weight loss has been slow after the first 2 months, but as a woman with Lipedema, it’s a huge win.

I kept my favorite pair of low rise XOXO flare jeans from 20 years ago, a size 13 in Juniors. I put them on and they actually fit my legs perfectly. However, being low rise and having Lipedema in my abdomen, I’d probably need to pair them with a shirt that hides that mess! They haven’t fit my legs for 12 years.

One year ago, if I did not wear medical compression, I had pain in my legs. Even taking a shower was painful. After a year on Carnivore, I’ve found that I’m able go without wearing medical compression. Even after a month in upheaval, not using my lymphatic pump, fluid has stayed out of my legs and arms. I’ve only experienced fluid building up in my abdomen, post surgery and that left hip that started after my hip replacement.

In my photos, notice how much my face has changed, I feel like me again. That’s the Angela I remember, and she’s back!

My Health Update

I am thrilled to report significant progress in my journey with the Carnivore diet, particularly in terms of healing. One remarkable milestone is the complete resolution of my plantar fasciitis in both feet. Previously, I endured discomfort that hindered even the simplest activities like walking. Despite undergoing physical therapy where my foot was regularly taped, the condition showed no signs of improvement; I found myself needing to be retaped every week. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon a conversation in one of the Facebook groups where someone shared their success story of healing plantar fasciitis with Castor oil. This revelation triggered a memory—I had previously healed my right foot using Castor oil, albeit attributing the recovery to a new pair of Oofos shoes I had acquired concurrently. However, when the same pain resurfaced in my left foot despite using Oofos diligently, I realized I had overlooked the efficacy of Castor oil. Upon reintroducing it into my regimen, along with consistent stretching routines and the use of a percussion massager, I witnessed remarkable improvements. Healing in just 1 week. Today, I am overjoyed to declare that the majority of my pain has dissipated.

I only have mild discomfort lingering in my hips due to the hip dysplasia. Remarkably, even this discomfort has diminished significantly, affirming my confidence to continue without the need for immediate total right hip replacement. The journey with the Carnivore diet has not only transformed my dietary habits but has also led me to discover effective natural remedies that have profoundly improved my quality of life.

I have degenerative myopia and have been at risk for retinal detachment due to a severe degree of nearsightedness (myopia). A year ago, I was wearing -12.5 in my contacts, and now, I am down to -12! To put things in perspective for those unfamiliar with contact prescriptions, most people who consider themselves to have very poor eyesight typically have a prescription around -6. My prescription is at the extreme end, and most contacts aren’t even made for my level of nearsightedness. If my eyesight continues to worsen, I may have to wear contacts and glasses together. Nevertheless, I’m excited that my eyes have shown some improvement and have stabilized over the past year.

My immune system appears to be thriving on the Carnivore diet. Over the past year, I only experienced one cold, while many in my circle battled illnesses for weeks. Remarkably, my bout with the cold lasted a mere two days, with full recovery from all symptoms in just eight days. In the past, I relied heavily on high doses of Vitamin C to alleviate symptoms, but I’ve found that on the Carnivore diet, my symptoms are significantly milder, rendering the need for supplemental Vitamin C unnecessary.

Additionally, supplemented with Vitamin C to aid in bruise healing. However, thanks to the benefits of the Carnivore diet, I no longer require it as my bruising has notably improved. Which is great, because there is a connection between Vitamin C and oxalates.

For a comprehensive list of the health issues I’ve successfully addressed, I encourage you to check out my 9 month update.

In conclusion, amidst the turmoil, my Carnivore journey remains a beacon of hope, guiding me towards improved health and well-being.

Recommended Book:

Lies My Doctor Told Me, by Dr. Ken Berry

Recommended Video:

BACK – My Lipedema Story

NEXT: Connecting the Dots: Lymphatics, Toxins, and Brain Health

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  1. Well done you gorgeous person 🙂 Keep going, you are on the right path. Thank you for sharing your journey.

    1. Why thank you Angie! I appreciate your support.

  2. Mo Dilbar says:

    Congratulations on your amazing and incredible 12 month Carnivore Journey Thanks for sharing your story , both thought provoking and enlightening.

    1. Thank you Mo!

  3. Lisa Helm says:

    What happened to the next one connecting the dots? It says it doesn’t exist.

    1. Hi Lisa, I don’t know what happened, but it’s corrected now. Thanks for letting me know, I appreciate the heads up.

  4. Interesting story! Since changing to carnivore, how have your cholesterol and LDL numbers been? Any changes? Thank you

    1. It’s all good – while my LDL increased, there are ongoing citizen-funded studies showing that high LDL cholesterol is not a marker for heart disease in healthy individuals. These studies challenge the long-held belief, largely promoted by drug companies profiting from statins (billions), that high LDL is inherently dangerous. My doctor is aware of these studies and says all my other markers are great.

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